OLM Systems is a leading provider of software for a wide range of care services including those in education, children’s social care, mental health as well as many others. It does this in partnership working with local authorities, NHS Trusts, charities, and private sector organisations.
OLM’s experience and services have been built on over thirty years of investment growth and development success; over that time different names and brand identities had been created each offering independent services in a disjointed manner.
Evaluation and repositioning
BFG Healthcare Consulting was asked to evaluate the best way of bringing OLM's services together so customers could appreciate the full range of connected ways OLM could best help their business.
Having talked to OLM’s customers and reviewed every piece of sales and marketing for the over one hundred different services BFG created a streamlined branding under the ECLIPSE software brand name with a clear hierarchy of services that allows customers to easily understand to service offer they require and how they may benefit from other connected software systems OLM offers.
This was all pulled together in a new corporate identity and branding created by BFG. The outcome helped increase sales with new customers and with current customers who could now understand how OLM’s services worked together across their service allowing them to better care for their customers and patients.
BFG’s work not only transformed how OLM Systems is seen but also how it does business.
Intel healthcare technologies create efficiencies that enable providers to focus more on the human side of care delivery. In lab and research environments, their technology innovations give researchers powerful tools to make breakthrough discoveries and solve some of the world’s largest healthcare and life science challenges.
Real, measurable benefits for patients with chronic long-term conditions
Telehealth solutions can provide real, measurable benefits for patients with chronic long-term conditions as well as for healthcare organisations. These benefits include reduced hospitalisation and readmission rates, better patient compliance and cost-effective extended care for a wide range of patients.
BFG Healthcare Consulting worked with Intel Health on the launch strategy of the Intel Health Guide, a comprehensive next-generation telehealth remote patient monitoring solution.
The Guide combines an in-home patient device, the PHS6000, with the Intel Health Care management suite, an online interface that allows clinicians to monitor patients remotely.
Nervecentre's Next Generation EPR has been designed with – and for – clinicians to support hospitals as they tackle their most resonant challenges; patient safety and patient flow. It provides mobile tools to help trusts build a culture of real-time data entry by putting the EPR into clinicians’ pockets and ready to use at the patient’s bedside. Evidence shows that the real-time visibility unlocked by mobile solutions can have a significant impact on hospitals’ ability to recognise patient deterioration, escalate care and improve flow.
Next generation EPR
There are many companies offering the NHS software solutions for their Electronic Patient Records (EPR). Nervecentre’s solution is the first new EPR for the NHS in twenty years that uses the latest mobile technology to give clinical and operational teams in acute settings the real-time information they need.
BFG Healthcare Consulting worked with Nervecentre to consider the best way of communicating this new change. Several different approaches were considered such as changing the description of the solution to a whole new approach rather than even calling it an Electronic Patient Records system. The answer however was to focus on the descriptor ‘next generation’ this allows Nervecentre to clearly differentiate itself from the competition and allows for a sophisticated sales approach that can focus on speed, reliability, safer, higher quality of care.
BFG worked with Nervecentre on a range of brand, marketing and sales strategies.